Saturday, 22 August 2015

The way the world is by anon update

hi people, 

just a quick update on the book journey.

got the book in waterstones now. to be honest with you, books are on their way out (for most people). eBooks are the way forward. however if your like me, which if your interested in this blog i assume you are. you like to be able to actually feel the paper, be able to physically feel and display the book.

eBooks are good in a way because 1: its free to upload and from then on its profits, basically money for doing nothing.(apart from actually having to write a dam book) and 2: you can add chapters and make any amendments whenever you want.

books are far more expensive to produce and distribute. especially if you are an independent publisher like myself. plus your profit margins are squeezed by the knobber book companies and wholesalers who all "take" their portion. the upside is a physical end product that you can dish out over motorway bridges and take to your grave with you.
stay tuned for more updates on one mans half arsed struggle to get a piece of shit book to the top (preferable a new York times best seller) hey, gotta set your goals high otherwise what's the point of all this........... fannying

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